Think of those people in your life that have been the most encouraging. When you’re around them you come away with a clearer understanding of yourself and the goals you want to achieve. Your confidence and head are held a bit higher. Someone that uses Motivational Interviewing skills has the ability to selflessly listen to your story, ask clarifying questions, and provides a framework for you to come to your own conclusions about what isn’t working in your life and what you would like to be different. Every time you are around them the rapport you have increases, strengthens, and thus so does your momentum. There is a spirit they carry that encompasses an inherent belief that changing behaviors, that are causing negative impacts on one’s life, are possible…even the most difficult changes. When you carry this spirit to every program you deliver, to every group or individual, those participating will be exponentially impacted. Generalization is more readily achieved because it becomes their program and their application. Motivational Interviewing increases the success of all our interventions. Don’t worry, although this spirit is natural in a very few, most of us can learn and practice specific tools to increase our motivational interviewing skills.
For more information on Motivational Interviewing, go to
Shannon Burns, USA