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PREPSEC International invites all its members to the opening of the PREPARE Café June 9th from 7 – 8 pm CET. This will be a relaxed hour to touch base, share [...]
Mentorship: A gift for all involved.
Since its beginnings, PREPSEC International included Mentors in the Quality Assurance Standards (revised 2019) to help secure proper dissemination and training. Over the past several years, trainings and networking within our [...]
Keeping PREPSEC alive and well: a problem for all to resolve.
Problem Solving Training is a tool that can be used in many aspects of our lives. This can be done: in a PREPARE group setting one-on-one in counselling in the moment [...]
How to get a D.O.S.E. of effective Reducers
While working with kids and teenagers who have mental disorders, especially those who are depressed and anxious, I put a lot of effort into understanding the factors that contribute to stress [...]
What are the effects of Aggression Replacemnt Training on adolescents in youth care facilities? (article in french)
Quels sont les effets du programme Aggression Replacement Training auprès des adolescentes hébergées en centre jeunesse? Nicolas Plante, M.Ps., Marc S. Daigle, Ph.D., Chloé Gaumont, M.Ps.,Lucie Charbonneau, Ph.D. What are the [...]
As 2022 comes to a close, we will tend to reflect on what has happened during the year. For many in the world, these were not the best of times…. It [...]
Teambuilding with ART© – how to use core values in schools?
There is no such thing as a perfect team inside or outside of school. In principle, it's safe to say that every team will go through a crisis at some point [...]
Walking the Talk….the importance of living what we teach.
I was a youth care worker for over 40 years and, I must admit, that there were days that took effort to not become apathetic. However, I made that effort each [...]