
PREPSEC International is a special interest organization comprising a network of researchers and practitioners working with a base in Dr. Arnold Goldstein’s combinations of programs for training in social competencies based on the PREPARE Curriculum® and other additional programs of a similar nature. The origin of the organization was a worldwide network of researchers and practitioners appointed by Dr Goldstein with the aim of promoting quality control, further development and the continued dissemination of his programs including Aggression Replacement Training® and its expansions. PREPSEC International aspires to move forward to base itself on the broader expansion of the PREPARE Curriculum® and other programs aimed at the development of social, emotional and academic competencies. The organization proposes to help facilitate the availability of these programs for worldwide use.
These programs are scientifically based, directed towards cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills, and to a large extent are based on the employment of modeling, role-plays and transfer from training settings to natural situations. These approaches aim at making improvements in the social competencies of children, adolescents and their families as a primary preventive approach for all children. Secondarily these programs can be effectively directed towards children and adolescent with behavior problems.
The purpose of the organization is, through empirically based theory, to develop and improve professional practice in order to help improve interaction patterns between children and adolescents and their environment. This vision will be fulfilled through the following means:

a. Dissemination of information about the different programs by arranging conferences and seminars, and by making relevant literature known and available to members.
b. Contributing to the dissemination of the programs outside the organization.
c. Encouraging the validation of specific programs, program combinations, and implementation strategies.
d. Through exchange of experience and openness, contribute to the testing and improvement of existing programs.
e. Encouraging evidence-based practice through inclusion of research supported developments, quality in delivery and prescriptive matching.
f. Contribute to the knowledge of program implementation, quality assurance, and description of what constitutes quality based trainer education.


1. Research

  • PREPSEC International has a library of relevant research available which is accessible on the PREPSEC International web site.
  • Initiation of research cooperation pertaining to the different programs and program combinations represented by PREPSEC International, including implementation.
  • Development of assessment instruments to be employed by practitioners and researchers.
  • Initiation of publications and presentation of research results.
    It will be the responsibility of the research committee to respond to global issues and problems related to research.

2. Quality systems

  • Establishment of quality systems which give recommendations about criteria for necessary competence for trainers and master trainers as well as criteria for effective implementation of the different programs and program combinations

3. Adaptations

  • Development of program adaptations to specific age and target groups and strategies to integrate the programs into ordinary milieu therapy, residential, school wide programs, alternative education programs, correctional institutes, and mental health facilities.

4. Academic foundation
• Universities and university colleges have established academic training in PREPSEC International programs. The goal is to continue expanding in this direction.

5. Dissemination

  • Several countries have implemented and established quality systems for PREPSEC International programs

6. Policy

  • A country`s introduction of evidence based methods for training of social competence is based on several coherent levels of decision-making. The goal is to make sure that governmental, regional, county/borough, and the actual organization are involved in this process.