About PREPSEC International

PREPSEC International is a special interest organization comprising a network of researchers and practitioners working with Dr. Arnold Goldstein’s combinations of programs for training in social competencies based on the PREPARE Curriculum® and other additional programs of a similar nature. The origin of the organization was a worldwide network or researchers and practitioners known as ICART (International Center for Aggression Replacement Training) appointed by Dr Goldstein with the aim of promoting quality control, further development and the continued dissemination of his programs including Aggression Replacement Training® and its expansions. PREPSEC International aspires to move forward to base itself on the broader expansions of the Prepare Curriculum® and other programs aimed at the development of social, emotional and academic competencies. The organization proposes to promote research and help facilitate the availability of these programs for worldwide use. These programs now include Anger Control Training, Empathy Training, Family TIES (Training in Essential Skills), Moral Reasoning Training, Peace4Kids, Problem Solving Training, Skillstreaming, Social Perception Training, Stress Management and TAME (Teen Anger Management Education)

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12 countries
Hundreds of trainers around the world
We have many, many ways to help children, youth and their families