T.A.M.E. Protocol • Intake and screening of youth referred for TAME: Treatment readiness is examined; assessments conducted; introduction of TAME components, including self-monitoring tool known as the “hassle log.”

• Session 1: Orientation to structure of TAME group and rationale for program. Understanding emotions with emphasis on anger. Practice identification of angry responses and deep-breathing relaxation exercise.

• Session 2: Sequential analysis of behavioral incidents (activating event or trigger, behavioral response, consequences). Youth practice identification of components using idiosyncratic angry and/or aggressive episodes.

• Session 3: Aggressive beliefs and interpretations. Group identification of various cognitive distortions; practice re-attribution exercises.

• Session 4: Relationship strategies and interpersonal techniques. Introduction of interpersonal effectiveness skills adapted from dialectical behavior therapy (Linehan, 1993b).

• Session 5: Self-instruction training. Introduction of in-the-moment self-coaching techniques for non-aggressive behavioral responses.

• Session 6: Anticipation of consequences. Practice thinking ahead – prediction and evaluation of possible consequences of aggressive behaviors.

• Session 7: Problem solving. Introduction of multi-step problem solving process including self-evaluation, reinforcement, and feedback.

• Session 8: Relational aggression prevention. Build awareness of types of teasing, use of rumors, and methods to evaluate friendships. Practice confrontation, apologizing, and self-respect skills.

• Session 9: Program review. Exercises designed to utilize all skills and concepts introduced over previous 8 sessions. Individualized feedback to students. Administration of final assessment instruments.

• Session 10: Follow up booster session. Review of all skills, including definition, demonstrated examples and discussion of appropriate situations in which skills can be used. Check in with students regarding changes and progress since completing the program, including successful and unsuccessful attempts to use skills. Provide feedback and reinforcement to encourage skill maintenance and generalization.

For more Contact: Professor Eva Feindler eva.feindler@liu.edu