The primary purpose of this researched based model is to provide all youth a comprehensive program in social emotional learning. Social Emotional Learning allows for youth to acquire and effectively use techniques and tools to handle stressful situations, their emotions, other’s emotions, in a positive way. The “We Teach Peace” program not only has established detailed lesson plans for all grades and needs, but also helps organizations plan, design, implement and evaluate the best curriculum for the clients they serve.
We Teach Peace and the Peace Program was developed by Dr. Arnold Goldstein and Dr. Sara Salmon. The Model is intended to allow each agency to choose the curriculum design that best fits the youth they serve. Standard school youth with no behavior concerns, or tier one youth, can be served with general classroom lessons once a week. Those youth that have suspension and beginning behavior issues, can be served with the tier one curriculum, plus a more targeted tier two pull out lesson. Those youth that are the most at risk and are involved in the juvenile justice system, residential setting, or alternative school setting can be given the most structured dose, a 10-week or 8-week, three times a week, closed group option. This option is based on the original Goldstein Aggression Replacement Training model. It provides the foundation of Empathy, Social Skills Training, Anger Control, Character Education and Parent Empowerment.
The We Teach Peace Program includes:
- A risk based approach to the reduction of aggression and violence in
organizations - A program that reaches 100 percent of the student population
- A Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Approach that will develop pro-social skills, empathy, anger control and character development.
- The identification and achievement of youth competencies
- Improvement in organizational climate and positive discipline approach
We Teach Peace and PEACE-ART
10 or 8-Week Closed Group moderate/high risk option
This is based on the Washington State’s researched version of Aggression Replacement Training, which was originally co-authored by Arnold Goldstein. This design is based for the needs of the highest risk youth and providing them the foundation needed to change their trajectory. The curriculum includes sequential lessons of the three basic core components as well as the Peace Program’s Empathy lessons. The lessons are clear and specific for implementation without drift, by teachers, counselors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, correctional staff or other professionals trained. The PEACE-ART program model includes:
- Parent Empowerment
- Empathy training
- Anger Management
- Character Education (Moral Development)
- Essential Social Skills
The program is designed to address the needs of all high/moderate risk youth by helping them acquire skills and competencies necessary to interact in non-violent ways in a variety of social settings including ones where the youth is experiencing stress.
Washington State has done research on this model and it has had great results in reducing recidivism in low skilled as well as aggressive youth. It has been shown, the higher the risk the behaviors are, the greater need for the most structured dose to achieve the greatest impact.
Benefits of the We Teach Peace Program
Benefits for Youth
- Includes all curriculum components for all, tier one, two and three youth
- Centers on youth needs, allows flexibility for general classroom lessons Encourages positive interaction among youth while being fun
- Provides a prevention and intervention focus
- Enhances skills useful for successful living
- Develops effective decision making skills
- Develops self- control and delayed gratification
- Increases knowledge of self and others
- Helps students learn empathy for others
- Helps youth become effective in schools and organizations
- Helps youth maintain jobs and healthy relationships
Benefits for Parents
- Encourages parent pro-social skill development
- Helps youth management at home
- Provides support for parents regarding their child’s social development
- Enables parents to link into other resources
- Assures parents that their children will receive necessary support to
succeed in school
Benefits for Staff
- Enhances safety in the classroom or facility
- Enables staff to focus on teaching and not discipline
- Provides a team effort to deal with aggressive students
- Provides staff with additional methods to deal effectively with aggressive youth in a targeted way
- Provides a curriculum that can be reinforced in classrooms and groups
- Helps staff develop personal pro-social skills
Benefits for Administrators
- Encourages administrative input and involvement
- Provides process and procedures for dealing with disruptive students
- Provides program structure with specific content
- Provides a means of evaluating the ART program
- Creates a positive impact on the climate and culture
We Teach PEACE Model
Including PEACE-ART Curriculum
Kelli Parcher & Shannon Burns
360-301-3551 (USA)For contact with Master Trainers visit www.wecanco.org or email: paz_consultz@yahoo.com