PREPSEC International has a number of committees which all confer with the Executive Board. The committees consist of volunteers who are doing some very valuable work, often under difficult conditions as most meetings are happening on-line. None the less PREPSEC International must rely on the work of these committees to look at issues concerning program development, quality assurance, research etc. further. Should you wish to join one of the committees please contact and the appropriate committee member will get back to you.
Duties and responsibilities
FINANCIAL – Planning expenses of the association, preparing settlements and financial statements, carrying out bank transfers and collecting bank statements necessary to carry out finances in a transparent and legal manner
QUALITY ASSURANCE – The PREPSEC Quality Assurance Committee was charged with the task of collecting program fidelity documents and quality assurance models to be placed in one document that would be easily accessible by any provider or agency delivering AART/Prepare curriculum. The committee was also commissioned to discuss these models and to develop a proposal for a consensus on quality assurance menu that could be proposed to the PREPSEC Executive Board as a standard appropriate for use by AART and Prepare Curriculum users and trainers worldwide
EVENTS – organization of events planned by the PREPSEC Board. Coordination of tasks related to technical, financial and substantive issues of planned events. Establishing cooperation with external entities (hotels, restaurants, accommodation, related associations, universities), coordination of event promotion, cooperation with engaged volunteers and service for event participants.
RESEARCH – Networking to gather and share research in social emotional competencies
MEMBERSHIP – Accepting new members and informing them about their current membership status (paid, free. Informing about the dates of membership fees). Acquiring new members and working with other committees as part of this task.
WEBWORLD – maintaining and updating the website. Coordination of necessary programming work, care for the service with paid materials and individual accounts of the association members. Informing the Board about annual service fees (domain, hosting) and cooperation with external entities responsible for maintaining the association’s domain.
COMMUNICATIONS – creating a coherent image of the organization by informing members and all interested parties about trainings, planned events and all other activities undertaken by PREPSEC. running organization’s social media and communicating with observers through them.
ELECTIONS – preparing the election of the members of the PREPSEC board, informing about the ending terms of office and conducting the election of new members of the board in accordance with the provisions of the organization’s statute, in a transparent and understandable way. Preparation of necessary documentation on the course of elections and election announcements for members of the organization.