Written by Kornelius.

Finland has implemented ART through several years now. The program is licensed and important books like Goldstein, Glick and Gibbs A.R.T. book and Robert Calame and Kim Parkers Family Ties are translated into Finnish.  The conference had many interesting topics like A.R.T. work within the church (Ville Forstedt), within the social service in Tampare (Sirpa Määttä and Tari Siljander) and Empathy training with children (Maarit Pietiäinen and Tarja Puustinen from FONDO).  In addition Tiina Röning gave a review of the HALO- program (read more) and Knut Gundersen gave an introduction to the Scandinavian adapted ART (AART).

The board and other master trainers: Back row left-right: Teija Lampinen, Martti Poteri, Tari Siljander, Knut Gundersen, Jaana Alander, Jaana Jokinen Front row: Kaisa Kivelä, Tiina Röning, Tarja Tuominen

 A.R.T. has been rated in the Finnish national HALO-program

Tiina Röning

Psychologist, CBT Therapist

ART master trainer

Tampere University Hospital


Finnish national HALO –program (Controlled Introduction of Interventions in Health care) provides policy-makers in university hospital districts research based information for the introduction and use of interventions. The aim is also to increase knowledge of the importance of evaluation methods in all health care decision-making and to encourage health care professionals to engage evaluation based methods. Knowledge of the new health care methods (ex. safety, effectiveness and costs) is gathered in HALO – review, which is published in the Finnish Medical Journal and on website. “ART and other cognitive behavioral group therapies for adolescent aggression” was picked to topic in 2014 and recommendations and article was finally published in 4/2016.

The programs were rated according to different colors:

Green means that it´s display by studies is sufficient (good) in all area: effectiveness, safety and costs

Yellow means that there is a problem in some area or insufficient evidence in: effectiveness, safety or costs

Red means that it is not recommendable in special health care because there are problems or no proper information in its effectiveness, safety or costs in scientific studies

ART was rated as yellow which is a good result because with psychological intervention it´s almost impossible to have waterproof evidence as in the medical world, because of small amount high quality controlled studies.