Hosted by Bettina Hedegaard and Hedebocentret the first ever training in Family TIES took place in Herning during the first week of September. With the very amble and experienced tutoring from Kim Parker and Robert Calamé, 25 A.R.T. Trainers spent 3 days to learn the basic of Family TIES and achieved a very good starting point for the next step in the process towards an over all implementation of the programme based education of families on their way to support their own kids and to find new ways of working with relationships and communications in their families.
The fact that the training took place and gathered so much interest is a clear sign of the fast growing interest in more of the PREPARE curriculum. Over the last couple of years around 200 new trainers have gone through a basic trainer education and most of these are now practicing their skills with groups of children and youth in residential centres, out-reaching services and schools.
It is the plan that Robert Calamé and Kim Parker will return next year to offer a couple of follow-up days for the first group of Family TIES trainers and a new training for other A.R.T. Trainiers with no experience in this field.