Implementation of ART

Implementation of ART

2024 is swiftly coming to an end. November is often a time of transition, getting ready for the next season. This may be hauling winter items out of storage or …. preparing for next year’s budget.

This may very well be an opportunity to discuss ART’s future implementation plan inside or outside of your present work environment. It is also necessary to ensure that an existing program’s sustainability is guaranteed.

Implementation of evidence-based methods is a major challenge. ART (and other similar programs) only works if it is well implemented. The majority of those who use ART do not do so correctly. Only when a program is well implemented can you expect an effect. Research shows that effective programs are characterized by high program fidelity. Program fidelity is about effectively delivering programs in the way they are intended.

To this end, we have chosen to feature the English translation of the Implementation chapter in the Norwegian AART book (Gundersen, Olsen, Finne, Strömgren, Daleflod. (2015). AART, A method for training in social competence, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo).

As well, we have added Fidelity Forms for ART, AART, and We Teach PEACE under the Quality Assurance tab on our website. Please use them for the programs you train.

Implementation of ART – download

2024-11-18T13:39:49+01:00November 18th, 2024|Categories: Bez kategorii|

Implementation of ART

2024-11-18T13:34:57+01:00November 18th, 2024|

Here we are going to say something about PREPSEC…

Here we are going to say something about PREPSEC…

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