Since its beginnings, PREPSEC International included Mentors in the Quality Assurance Standards (revised 2019) to help secure proper dissemination and training. Over the past several years, trainings and networking within our organization have taken a different direction. We have limited opportunities to attend conferences, spend time exchanging ideas and methods over lunch, or to see different ways to deliver a program through guided practice.
This reality has been the catalyst to develop a more dynamic system of coaching for Master Trainers and Animators, specifically at the National Mentorship level.
Mentorship has many advantages, positively impacting everyone involved. This is done by providing and receiving:
New ways of thinking: both the mentee and mentor are exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking or problem solving. We all come with our own “bag of tricks” to share and learn from. This sparks ideas to compliment trainings.
Feedback: we all need feedback to grow and improve. It is important for the mentee to be able to ask questions, no matter how critical or trivial one may think they are. Feedback from the mentor must be honest and effective. Developing a trusting relationship with each other is essential.
As well, both parties’ benefit from
Increased confidence: people with mentors are more able to share ideas and are more self-assured when facing challenges. When a mentor’s advice is put into action, and the mentee succeeds, there is a sense of accomplishment, confidence, and validation.
Higher self-awareness: When giving and receiving advice, everyone should examine their strengths, weaknesses, and values. This helps in the problem-solving process as information is gathered from all perspectives, alternatives are brainstormed together, and outcomes are evaluated.
Many studies have been done on mentorship with youth and in business settings, reporting a high percentage of success. Here are 2 for your further reading:
The Effects of Youth Mentoring Programs: A Meta-analysis of Outcome Studies
Journal of Youth and Adolescence:
Mentoring in the workplace: Exploring the experiences of mentor-mentee relations.
The ultimate goal is that our clients benefit from this as their trainings are delivered to the best of our abilities. So please contact your National Mentor when you feel the need for support. It is important to note that this service will be pro bono unless otherwise previously agreed upon by all parties.