Problem Solving Training is a tool that can be used in many aspects of our lives. This can be done:
- in a PREPARE group setting
- one-on-one in counselling
- in the moment as situations arise
- with co-worker(s)
- with friends
- in our own family or with those of others
even in 10 Lines with fellow PREPSEC International members!
In this article we will follow the steps of Problem Solving, as laid out in Problem-Solving Training:
PREPARE Curriculum Implementation Guide (Parker, Calame, Gunderson, Simon, Choi, Research Press,
2013). Please join us in this process.
Step 1: Stop and Think – Problem Signs
As in many volunteer organizations right now, involvement is more difficult.
Why is this? What is the problem?
Since 2020 COVID and political instability have resulted in greater workloads for many and strained the
world-wide economy. This has adjusted our ability to be physically present for networking all the while
increasing our desire to spend more time on a necessary family and leisure balance in our lives.
Step 2: Problem identification
What is our Goal?
To build an online community to keep PREPSEC International alive, current and connected.
What don’t we like?
Lack of personal contact to exchange ideas and information
Members may not be confident in English and/or be afforded time to write articles and/or be present
Build up our online platform (mini-conferences, 10 Lines articles) to make peer networking more readily
Step 3: Gathering Information
From Self:
John and Kim are willing to inspire dialogue amongst members with this article as well as to host the
first mini-conference.
From Others:
Gain more information from our IT dept. around logistics
Ask members for topics they would like to share and learn about
Ask members for their willingness to host/present at mini-conferences
Ask members for their willingness to write articles
Step 4: Brainstorming Alternatives
Research tells us that the best solutions come from brainstorming at least 10 alternatives.
1. Use a Video tool that helps create translated presentations and clones the natural
voice and adjusts lip movements to match the translated speech.
2. Use an AI program that will let you read your notes but looks like you have audience eye
3. Now we need 2 or more topics from you, as members, that you are interested in sharing and
hearing about.
Send these to and add a little something about yourself if you
care to.
Step 5: Evaluating Consequences and Outcomes
We will all look forward to doing this in the near future!
Thank you for joining us in this process.
John Choi and Kim Parker