PREPSEC International is looking forward to seeing you at the ENSEC Conference in Budapest for our Pre Conference day, August 28, 2019.
This interactive Pre-Conference day will introduce a variety of the Social Emotional Competencies in the PREPARE Curriculum. This includes the 3 components of ART (Skillstreaming, Anger Regulation, Moral Reasoning) as well as Character Education, Empathy Training, Social Perception Training, Problem Solving and how they can transfer to the family in Family TIES. These interventions are compatible to education, corrections, and community environments and take into consideration both the individual and global interactions of a youth’s environment.
Check the complete Pre-Conference program here >
Will you be attending the ENSEC Conference as well?
If so, we shall contact them to verify your attendance at the pre-Conference in order for you to qualify for a reduced rate with ENSEC.
Check the full Conference and the Pre-Conference Program: (
Thank you for registering for the PREPSEC Pre-Conference.